Our History
Our range has been a family owned and operated business for over 20 years. I spent 23 years in
the US Navy Submarine service during which time I spent most of my time shooting with the USN Shooting team whenever our operations
schedule permitted. I started shooting the 45 Colt pistol and the M1 Garand Rifle and later the M14 rifle. My job
description quickly became Armorer and Chief Small Arms instructor, deadly force and tactics instructor. I attended
numerous Shooting instructor courses by the US Navy, US Army, US Coast Guard and US Marine Corp. These included a tour
of actually living on the range at Annapolis and at Quantico Marine base where we were getting ready for the Nationals at
Camp Perry and the Inter Service Rifle Championships. We also horned in on many of the classes at the Marine
Scout Sniper school. One of my personal highlights would have to be when Marine Sniper Legend Gunnery Sgt. Carlos
Hathcock coached our team during a match of the Interservice Rifle Competition in 1983.. During my 23 year career I have
trained thousands of Nuclear weapon SWAT teams , Nuclear weapons security guards, Ships Response teams and team leaders, Navy
Seals and USMC personnel in Tactics and the safe and efficient use of Firearms from handguns, Rifles and shotguns,
H&K MP5 to M79 & Mk19 40mm to 50 cal Browning MG and WWII 20mm AA guns. Since this time I have dedicated
myself to running a safe and challenging place to shoot and I try to impart the knowledge and experience that Uncle
Sam gave me to our clientele. We started in 1989 @ 5' wide & 100 yds. long.
Our Service
Our commitment to our customers safety and meaningful instruction has made us who we are today. .. We
strive to offer a safe and challenging place to shoot along with Meaningful and Quality instruction. To this end I
am not really interested in having a bunch of people come down with a handfull of money and spraying lead around. We
have very low berms and our goal is tiny little groups of slow fire at all ranges out to 700 yards. As our rates attest,
I am satisfied if I make enough to keep the place growing and going. My big satisfaction comes from the occasional
remark. "WOW" I never knew that I could shoot like that! "BOY, did I learn a lot today."
We have the experience and equipment to do whatever is necessary to get you and your rifle shooting as a team and working
to your maximum capability. My personal goal is that your rifle is zeroed and you have
gained the background and knowledge to trust that zero in whatever shooting situation you find yourself. Especially
when you miss that big Boone & Crockett and you don't know why. But you will know how your rifle
was zeroed so you don't panic and start shooting at a beer can and cranking the scope knobs under far less than favorable
shooting conditions. Hopefully you will then have gained the experience and background to analyze
the shot and all the factors that could have led to a split second loss of trigger control, sight alignment or
follow thru, etc. Rather than blaming the rifle or it's zero. Then and only then, have I done my